Progetto The Gate - Porta Palazzo



District Energy is an innovative plan that aims to respect, to conserve and to improve the energy efficiency and heating systems of the civil district housing stock. The District Energy action is placed within the context of the "Sustain-ability" area of The Gate project which deals specifically with sustainable environmental politics.
The Porta Palazzo Project Committee, in collaboration with the Energy Agency, carried out a preliminary classification study of the buildings situated in the area of Porta Palazzo and Borgo Dora.
This study allowed the The Porta Palazzo Project Committee to outline the availability of financial grants for energy saving measures in individual dwellings or for whole apartments blocks. The grants could cover between 30 and 90 percent of the energetic extracost of the measure (the fraction of the cost that is related to energy saving) which maintains or requalifies the heating systems or the building structure itself.
The calculation of the potential energy saving, the admissible energetic extracost, the relative points of merit and the financial grant to be awarded was obtained through the use of the software designed by Softech s.r.l.
Nineteen different energy saving measures were identified as eligible for possible funding, these were divided into six specific group areas: light interventions on the building structure, light interventions on the heating system, substantial interventions on the building structure, substantial interventions on the heating system, interventions regarding energy substitution, interventions on the lighting system.
Access to the funding was through the publication of a call for applications (published on 28 April 2000) relating to:
a) financial grants for energy audits for apartment blocks in the area of Porta Palazzo;
b) financial grants for energy saving measures for apartment blocks or for the owners of individual dwellings.
At a later date (20 September 2000) this call for applications was re-published as the total sum of the financial grants distributed did not use the total budget available. In the integration the grants were available to apartment blocks, individual dwellings, buildings used by associations, foundations.
Furthermore, District Energy awarded a financial grant to the Mercato IV Alimentare di Porta Palazzo (the covered food hall market) which installed an energy-saving acclimatization system, a high efficiency, low consumption lighting system and a system of mechanised solar blinds.

Another area of intervention
was the co-funding granted to the Fondazione Rosselli, where a series of energy saving measures were included in the planned restructuring of its headquarters, for example:the insulation of semi-basements and lower ground floors, the installation of new high efficiency window units, the substitution of the central heating plant with new a high efficiency, low pollution system, the installation of thermostatic valves and individual heat metering systems, the installation of high efficiency light bulbs.
The competition was published on 28 April 2000.
Applications for energy evaluation interventions had to arrived by 26 May 2000. Applications for energy saving interventions had to arrived by 27 June 2000.
The competition was reopened on 17 September 2000.
Applications for energy evaluation interventions had to arrived by 20 October 2000. Applications for energy saving interventions had to arrived by 20 November 2000.
The total investment for the initiative was Lire 481.634.000 with financial grants totalling 298.510.000 lire
Of which:
Euro 53.679,93 for energy audits on 10 apartments blocks, the covered food hall market and the Fondazione Rosselli
Euro 415.088,67 for energy saving measures
Euro 120.842,50 in financial grants for administrators of apartments blocks or owners of whole buildings;
Euro 3.681,06 in financial grants for owners of individual dwellings.
Euro 131.710,62 granted to the covered food hall market, a sum equal to 66,66% of the energy extracost
Euro 13.571,94 granted to the Fondazione Rosselli, a sum equal to 63,26% of the energy extracost
Foundation Local Agency for Energy
by Environment Park,
Via Livorno 60I-10144 Torino
Tel. +39 011 2257237 fax +39 011 2257238

The Gate - Porta Palazzo Project
tel. 011/5216242

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