Progetto The Gate - Porta Palazzo


Reducing the problems of Porta Palazzo to a sustainable level: every day the market in Piazza della Repubblica alone produces 10 tons of waste. A mountain of fruit, vegetables, boxes, plastic bags and rubbish of all kinds covers the space that was occupied a short time before by stalls and which will soon been returned to the same use after the daily ritual of cleaning. Porta Palazzo isn't just the rubbish from the market in the square or from the flea market on Saturdays. It is also a neighbourhood that uses heating, lighting and energy according to old traditions and technologies and undoubtedly without taking into consideration energy saving or sustainable criteria. The Gate wants to commit itself in order that the neighbourhood and its inhabitants can boast solutions, initiatives and technologies that confront these problems and which can offer a further element of revival.


Porta Palazzo the neighbourhood of recycling and separated waste collection

The experience of raising public awareness and the experimentation undertaken by “The Gate” Project in the past three years in the field of environmental sustainability is a credential of a new proposal that gives the neighbourhood a new meaning and role. The markets present in the neighbourhood produce huge quantities of waste on a daily basis which, on one hand stimulate special measures for the collection and management of municipal waste, while on the other hand they constitute an important resource in the context of recycling and the separation of waste.
Porta Palazzo is the ideal place to diffuse a culture based on sustainable procedures connected to waste management, thanks to its uniqueness and its many previous initiatives (Regain from Waste, two editions of “Puliamo il Mondo” (Let’s clean the world) sponsored by Legambiente, headquarters for the “World Environment Day”, winner of the second prize in the event sponsored by Environment Ministry “Sustainable Cities”), but above all because the rows of its market stalls are suitable places to set up information and promotion points, to organise events and, more generally to raise awareness and visibility of this urgent and current problem.

Promotion of public and private green space

Green space within the neighbourhood of Porta Palazzo is rare and often the lack of maintenance and attention by the community as a whole means that they are not well exploited. It is important that a neighbourhood that seeks change can use its regenerated green open spaces
The Gate Project is working to prepare solutions aimed at improving existing green open spaces as well as developing new ones, even private green spaces, within the neighbourhood. In this light it is co-operating with the Project “Cortili Verdi” (Green Courtyards) with the objective of favouring, promoting and supporting the initiative in the area. By beginning with the communal parts of the buildings and encouraging the peaceful shared participation in a project, thus helping to overcome the growing decay of these parts of the building, as well as spreading a greater participation in the requalification process.

Energy: solutions for energy saving and renewable energy sources

The profitable partnership with the “Agenzia per l’Energia”, our project partner in the initiative “Energia di Quartiere” (District Energy) triggered a need, within the neighbourhood, to confront the subject of energy saving. In the continuing co-operation between the agencies, the commitment is to set up several projects which, through application for various forms of funding, will be able to bring to the neighbourhood new ideas and technologies aimed at energy saving and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

A clean Balôn: a route for raising public awareness and involving market operators

The subject of the cleaning of the Balôn market on Saturdays is one of the most critical recurring points in discussions as well as being a catalyst for conflict among residents, traders and operators of the Saturday market. As with all markets in the neighbourhood, the habit of leaving behind waste and rubbish when the stalls are cleared away means that in Borgo Dora the Balôn seems like an “open air landfill site” which extends through the streets in front of the doors of the shops and apartment blocks.
To improve the cleaning of the Balôn means the project must promote changes in rooted behaviour patterns that have become part of the culture of this market.
Therefore, it is necessary to imagine a route to raise awareness amongst the market traders that will take advantage of various communication and support tools.
On the request of the association VIVIBalôn! the project is working on this subject and we have already contacted and arranged a meeting with those responsible for this area within AMIAT (waste management company) as well as the Commander of the Municipal Police of Porta Palazzo

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