Progetto The Gate - Porta Palazzo



Within the context of THE GATE Project (area Business Incubator) a training course has been created, aimed at young non-EU citizens, on energy saving and in particular on its applications in the building context.
The course was promoted by the Agency for the Energy of the City of Turin and by the "Parini" Territorial Centre for Permanent Education. The main aim of this educational action has been that of providing an opportunity for awareness of and direction towards a professional sector experiencing high rates of development such as the intelligent saving of energy resources. The importance and success of the proposal does not depend however only on the transmission of technical know-how and the skill of the lecturers but above all on the pedagogic form used in the communication process, and on the effects it has within the group. The youths who take part in the training were asked to share with the other participants and the lecturers involved the subject of possible and sustainable development and the need to communicate and apply the know-how acquired.
Through the eyes, emotions, requests, proposals of some students and with the help of multimedia communications experts, it has also been possible to create a CD-ROM which recounts the experience, offering a route that can be followed by all those companies and sectors interested in the subject. The students have been involved in the creation of the CD-ROM both following their learning structure and through the realisation on their part of video films, photographs, texts etc. This multimedia activity strengthens those elements of involvement and motivation mentioned above which are essential for the success of the project.
WORK PROGRESS: CD ROM: produced in the months of September, available in the project office.
Delivery certificates: Monday 2 july 2001 - Town Hall
Agency for the Energy of the City of Turin: Purchasing best practices, similar experience already implemented, contacts with companies and trainers who are more appropriate for the implementation of the action; Training Project, preparation and editing of the scientific technical project in the course; Implementing the course, payments to trainers and costs related to carrying out the course. Verification of the scheme, for technical-scientific supervision of the course and verification of the results.
TOTAL Euro 11,640 - 22,538,183 Lire
Parini Territorial Centre for Permanent Education
total Euro: 2,582 - 4,999,449 Lire
Agency for the Energy of the City of Turin (Purchasing best practices, Training Project, Implementation of the course, Verification scheme)
by Environment Park,
Via Livorno 60I-10144 Torino
Tel. +39 011 2257237 fax +39 011 2257238
Parini Territorial Centre for Permanent Education (Rooms, Cultural Mediator, organiser of transversal activities of group training and socialisation) Giulio Cesare 26, 10152 Torino
Progetto The Gate
tel. 011/5216242
Maria Riccobene
fax: 011/6634419.

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