is a collective writing workshop already experimented by the writer,
Ricardo Montserrat, in France in past years. The work of Montserrat,
flanked by writer Davide Pinardi and the screenplay writer, Chiara Laudani,
is based on a collection of stories, experienced and related in groups
by people who find themselves in difficulty in regard to social integration,
both moral and emotional. The author emphasises the existential and
cultural differences between the participants to create situations that
can be translated into "fiction". The group of participants
works, therefore, on the stories of each of them, on the stories of
their district and writes narrative sections for the writer.
In Italy the workshop will be itinerant and involves the definition
of five heterogeneous groups, located in five zones in the Turin area
- San Salvario, via Arquata, c.so Taranto, Mirafiori Basse Lingotto,
Porta Palazzo - whose participants have been indicated by the local
areas present in the territory (associations, constituency zones, social
cooperatives etc…) with the consent of the author.
On the basis of Montserrat's formulation, each group will inherit the
work carried out by the previous group, continuing it and taking up
its narrative theme. After the artistic re-elaboration carried out by
the writers, performed during the month following the workshop, the
text they produce will then take the form of a book published by the
publishers, Minimum Fax in Rome, and a photographic exhibition.
St. Brieuc in 1954. At the start of the 80's he was in Chile, where
he produced some forty performances against the dictatorship. Returning
to France in 1990, since 1992 he has led the writing workshops with
a social character, located in Paris, Nantes, Ancenis and in the city
of Lorient. The latter project led to the book, Zone Mortuaire, Gallimard,
1997, a crime novel which appeared in Italy as Shadow Zone, Hobby &
Work, 1998. From the two years' work with the group of 18 unemployed
people in Roubaix came Ne Crie Pas in 2000, Gallimard, the source of
the film, Sauve Moi, by Christian Vincent, a director also known in
Italy for the film, The Shy Girl. His many novels include: Páté
de Gangster, AGC Éditions, 1997; No Name, Le Mercure de France,
1998. His collaboration with children and adolescents led to the Arab-French
novels, L'enfant nomade, L'Harmattan, 1994, and Les Gosses de Cana,
Séquences 95; and in collaboration with adults, La vue est belle
mais la vie, Ed. àparaitre and Avant la fête, l'abattoir,
Rencontres des Cultures Urbaines de la Villette, 1997, radiophonic and
on line novel: www.adri.asso.fr/villette.
DAVIDE PINARDI, born in Milan in 1952, is the author
of narratives and essays: his narratives include: A Sud della Giustizia
(South of Justice) (Interno Giallo, 1991); L'Attesa (The Wait) (Granata
Press, 1994); Il ritorno di Vasco (e altre storie dal carcere-raccolta
di racconti (The Return of Vasco - and other stories from prison - collection
of short stories) (Marcos y Marcos, 1995); Viaggio a Capri - I dieci
giorni che sconvolsero Lenin, (Trip to Capri - 10 days that shook Lenin)
(Ed. Liber Internazionale, 1996) Tutti i luoghi del mondo (All the places
in the world) (Tropea - Il Saggiatore, 1996); La storia segreta del
Signor Correal (The Secret Story of Mr. Correal) (Rizzoli, 2000), L'armée
del Saint-Hélène, novel unpublished in Italy (French ed.
Calmann-Lévy, 2000). His essays include: Socialismo e questione
agraria nella Seconda Internazionale (Socialism and the Agrarian Question
in the Second International), Franco Angeli, 1985; La giubba del Re
- Intervista sulla corruzione (The King's Jacket - Interview on Corruption),
con Piercamillo Davigo (Laterza, 1998), Storia della Letteratura Italiana
'800-'900 (History of Italian Literature, 19th and 20th centuries) with
Giuseppe Gallo (Edibook-Rizzoli, 1999)
CHIARA LAUDANI, born in Cagliari in 1970, teaches screenplay
writing at the Holden school in Turin. She has collaborated in the screenplay
writing for the film Voci (Voices), from the novel of the same name
by Dacia Maraini and directed by Franco Giraldi; together with G. Ventriglia
and a R. Scarpetti she has worked on the television project, La Bibbia
(The Bible); and carried out the cinema abbreviation of the novel Mosche
a Hollywood (Flies in Hollywood) by A. Fabbri. For the E.T. fiction
group she wrote the television version of Daddy, from the novel of the
same name by Loup Durand, while for Rai she is the screenplay writer
of the series Vicini Vicini (Closer Closer).
The Parole MOLEste Cultural Association promotes
and organises projects and initiatives in the cultural field of a local,
national and international character. Some of these events include:
1996 Indianate Letterarie - meetings with young authors at Palazzo Reale;
1997 creation and organisation of the event, Sfoglia la tua città
-open air and bookshop meetings on the subject of the five senses; 1998
Giovani Parole - Literary week in Turin in collaboration with the Council
of Turin, the Young Literary Observatory and BIG; creation and organisation
of Effetti collaterali in collaboration with Turin bookshops; 1999 creation
of Librido - literary videobox in the Magazine space of the Turin Book
Fair; 2001, for the project, ARIA (Rencontres culturelles en Haute Balagne,
Corsica) Parole MOLEste is the Italian point of referent, together with
the Stabile Theatre of Genoa, for the organisation of an international
drama and radiophonic screenplay writing workshop.