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The Consul of France to Torino and Genova was received by the Head of the Mayoral Cabinet. During the meeting they discussed the traffic flow in the road tunnels between Italy and France, the high speed rail link, the 2006 Torino Olympic Winter Games and the importance of the French secondary school in Torino.
The Deputy Mayor of Torino received the Ambassador from the Slovak Republic. During the meeting various topics were discussed, in particular urban planning and transport. The Ambassador emphasised the importance of organising commercial and cultural exchanges between the Slovak cities and Torino.
The Vice Director for the Promotion of the City, Tourism and the Olympics received a delegation from the City of Cannes to discuss cooperation in the field of tourism.
The Vice Director for the Promotion of the City, Tourism and the Olympics received a delegation of representatives of the Institut des Hautes Etudes d'Amenagement du territoire (DATAR). The meeting was dedicated to discussing changes and transformation in the metropolitan area.
Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information