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North and South America, Oceania 2008

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November 24th 2008 - Ambassador of Peru

The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Peru Carlos Roca Cáceres.

June 19th-25th 2008 - Delegation from Cordoba - Argentina

The International Affairs Department of the City of Torino organised for a delegation of student engineers from the argentinian city of Cordoba a study tour of the automotive in Torino

May 28th 2008 - City of Cordoba - Argentina

The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Mayor of Cordoba Daniel Oscar Giacomino.

February 27th 2008 - Ambassador of Australia

The Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino Michele Dell'Utri met the Ambassador of Australia Amanda Vanstone.

February 4th 2008 - Ambassador and Consul of Perù

The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Perù Carlos Roca followed by the Consul General Liliana Gomez.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information