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Other Events 2011

Tallinn-Montecarlo Electric Marathon

The rally of electric vehicles promoted within the framework of the initiatives for Tallinn European Capital of Culture 2011, organized by the Foundation Prince Albert II of Monaco and FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) stops in Torino, within the framework of the Torino Smart City initiative. The event, which came up from an agreement signed by the City of Tallinn and the Honorary Consul of Monaco in Tallin Jüri Tamm, has seen about ten electric race cars duelling in a punctuality challenge across 8 European nations and 24 cities. The Deputy Mayor of the City of Torino in charge of Environment Enzo Lavolta took part in the exhibition of electric vehicles staged in Via Roma, at the finish line of the leg, where all the excellences of the territory were exposed: from the 1955 Balilla transformed into an electric vehicle by the City of Torino to the prototypes Idra, BullET and SC08H of the Politecnico of Torino, through the e-vehicles of Amiat, GTT and Cinemambiente.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information