Torino Musei

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Museo Egizio di Torino

Museo Egizio ©Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di TorinoView on map

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The Egyptian Museum houses the most important collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts outside Cairo. Founded in 1824 by King Carlo Felice after acquiring the collection of the archeologist Drovetti, the museum contains 30.000 exhibits. It documents the history and civilization of Egypt from the paleolithic to the coptic era through unique exhibits and collections of objets d'art, articles of daily use and funeral furnishings (including the Altar of Isis, the canvas painted by Gebelein, the intact tombs of Kha and Merit, and the exceptional cliff temple to Ellesjia).

Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino is part of “Art and cultural routes”:
Red route
Around Piazza Carignano, the triumph of the Baroque and Turin as the Capital City



Infopiemonte - Torinocultura - Via Garibaldi angolo Piazza Castello
Everyday from 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM (sales and reservations close at 6.00 PM)
Toll-free number: 800.329.329 (everyday from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM)
Please take the time to verify informations on dates and times in the museum's website.
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