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The legislation and norms included on these web pages address the general discipline regarding the management of the decentralized cooperation projects and are those mostly referred to by this sector.

Since the matter is often subject to updating, it must be remembered that what is transcribed here does not constitute an official publication and indeed doesn’t claim to be exhaustive, rather it just offers an initial reference tool for those interested in the legislative framework used by the City of Turin in its promotion of decentralized cooperation policies.

For more in depth information about standing legislation please refer to the following institutional sources:


In the following the basic legislative references that inspire the orientation and action of the decentralized cooperation promoted by the Municipality of Turin are listed.



“New discipline on Italy’s cooperation with developing countries” (Law no. 49 February 26th 1987, art. 2, commas 4 and 5) and the relative executive regulations (D.P.R. no. 177 April 12th 1988, art. 7) with which our Country formally recognised a propositional and enforcing role to Italian local autonomies (Regions, Provinces and Local authorities) in respect to the government’s cooperation projects, and also disciplined both their faculty for carrying out initiatives and the system for working with ministerial structures;


Piedmont Regional Law no. 67/1995 “Regional actions for the promotion of culture and peace education for cooperation and international solidarity”;

Piedmont Regional Law no. 50/94 “Initiatives for the drafting of collaboration agreements between the Region and foreign Country institutional bodies”

Piedmont Regional Law no. 4/82 “Foundation of the Regional Solidarity Committee and the Region’s participation to Rescue Committees”.


Turin Municipality’s Statute (with particular regard to articles 2 and 3);
City Council Motion no. 44 December 3rd 2001 on “International Cooperation”;
Motion no. 16/2007 on: “Support for the Municipality of Turin’s decentralised cooperation policies”;
Motion no. 1/2007 on: “Contribution for the construction of a Memorial to the desaparecidos in the city of Cordoba”;
Motion no. 67/2007 on: “Equal opportunities in international cooperation”.

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