Urban Barriera

URBAN BARRIERA DI MILANO Urban Barriera è un programma di sviluppo
urbano finalizzato a innescare un processo di
miglioramento complessivo dell’area di Barriera di
Milano, quartiere storico della zona Nord della
città di Torino:

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Comitato Urban Barriera > English version > The area

Pubblicato il 10 Settembre, 2014

The area

Barriera di Milano is an area of about 2.3 square kilometers, a historic northern suburb of the city of Turin, with a population of 53.416 inhabitants.

The population density is three times bigger than the city average: 22.935,16 inhabitants/sq. km against the 7.003 inhabitants/sq. km recorded at urban level.

The area is characterized by a progressive physical deterioration both in the private building heritage and in the public space; several empty industrial areas, symbol of the labour tradition of this part of the town; a shortage of squares, not seen as places for socialization;  a lack of green areas (the value of 1,64 sq. m/inhabitant is extremely inferior to the city average of 20,13); a total lack of biking and walking paths, which may promote intra-district connection and the link with the central areas and the surrounding green areas.

From an economic point of view, the entrepreneurial density is lower and the unemployment rate is higher than the city average (15,05% against 9,57% at urban level).

From a socio-economic perspective, the area registers a high incidence of foreign population (28,9% versus 13,6% at city level), coming mostly from African countries and the new member States of the European Union. This is a stable immigration, with a balanced gender composition (53% men, 47% women) and consists mostly of young families with children. Furthermore, the area presents the highest concentration of foreign minors of the city (with a percentage of 40% compared to 26% at city level) and a high proportion of elderly people, living mainly on their own.

From a socio-cultural perspective, Barriera di Milano is a borough characterized by a strong social identity and counts about 50 "not for profit" associations engaged for years in the care of the local community.

*(statistical data: 2009)

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