Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >




Title: SOLEZ - Smart Solutions supporting Low Emission Zones and other low-carbon mobility policies in EU cities
EU Funds to the project: 1.933.734,00 € (80%-85%), out of which 203.270,00 € to the City of Torino (for Italy 80% EU funds and 20% Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Partners: City of Vicenza, City of Dubrovnik, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Centrum Dopavniho Vyzkumu (Transport Research Centre of the Czech Republic),  ROPID - Regional Organiser of Prague Integrated Transport, City of Graz, Pannon Business Network Association, City of Gdansk, City of Zilina
Period: 36 months (June 2016 - May 2019)
Contact: Cabinet's Mayor International Affairs and European Projects Service; Infrastructures and Mobility Directorate
Description: the goal of the project is to find low carbon emission mobility solutions in order to improve planning strategies and develop smart services and products complying with the concept of Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in urban areas.