Città di Torino

International Affairs

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BSInno - Boosting Social Innovation

Updated 2-10-2017

Title: BSInno - Boosting Social Innovation
EU Funds to the project: phase 1: 49.212,80 € (70%), out of which 16.753,50 € to the City of Torino (for Italy 70% EU funds and 15% Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Partners: phase 1: City of Gdansk, City of Braga, City of Milan, City of Paris
Period: phase 1: 6 months (September 2015 - March 2016)
Contact: Economic Development, Innovation and European Funds Service
Description: the goal of the project is to create a network allowing public administrations to play an attractive and brokering role within the field of social innovation, to promote social innovation throughout the public sector, to create an ecosystem for urban social innovation helping public authorities concretely and to become European hubs in suggesting public and private social innovation models. At European level the goal is to connect local ecosystems and transnational networks by building public international brokering figures in order to improve the social innovation ecosystem.