Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Updated 7-10-2019


EU Funding: 1,528,327 €. Total budget for the City of Torino: 79,133.00 € (70% financed by the EU, 15% by national counterparts, 15% by internal staff)
Lead partner:  Chaire d'entrepreneuriat en Économie Sociale et Solidaire de l'Universitè de Lyon 2  (FR)
Partners: City of Torino (IT), Chamber of Commerce of Torino (IT), Steinbes 2i Ltd (DE), Development Agency Kozjansko (SI), Cultural and Economic Centre of European Space Technologies (SI), Oxalis Scop (FR), City of Lyon (FR), Carinthia University of Applied Science (AT)
Period: 36 months (April 2018 - April 2021)
Contact: Cultural and Government Services Division - Innovation, EU Funds and Smart City Project
Description: The ASIS initiative aims to boost the role of local governments for the development of social innovation in order to answer to the social and economic challenges as a first step towards a shared strategy of economic development. Goals of the project are the improved cooperation between innovation key stakeholders, better adapted answers to societal challenges and new knowledge and skills for public authorities. To support this change, the project will propose new tools and methodologies, new strategic policies and recommendations to public actors through a white book.