Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


CAT-Med - Changing mediterranean metropolis Around Time

Title: CAT-Med - Changing mediterranean metropolis Around Time
EU funds for the project: 2,504,300 € (75%), out of which 211,000 to the City of Torino (for Italy: 75% EU funds and 25% Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Number of partners: 12 (9 of which are foreign partners)
Period: 32 months (April 2009 - November 2011)
Contact: Vice DG The Mayor’s Office and Cultural Services - International Affairs Department; Public Residential Housing Division - Social Housing Sector
Description: the project aims at preventing natural risks related to climate change thanks to the concurrence of metropolitan actions and strategies outlined by the means of implementation and analysis of sustainable districts in the different cities involved in the consortium. According to this perspective, on February 7th 2011, representatives from from Malaga, Seville, Barcelona, Community of Pays d'Aix, Marseille, Genoa, Torino, Rome, Athens and Thessalonica, ratify the "Chart of Malaga on Sustainable Urban Models" which translates into long-term objectives the definitions and experimentations ran within the framework of the project.