Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Title: Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe
EU Funds to the project: 1.895.432,42 € (75%), out of which 179.510,220 € to the City of Torino (for Italy: 75% EU funds and 25% Ministry of Economy and Finance)
Partners: City of Stockholm, Edinburgh Napier University, City of Hamburg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, City of Rome, Barcelona Regional, Delft University of Technology, City of Wien, City of Paggaio, Marshal office of the Malopolska Region
Period: 36 months (January 2012 - December 2014)
Contact: International Affaire Service; Structural Funds and Economic Development Service
Description: the objective of the CLUE regional development project is increased regional capacity in policy development to faciltate implementation and assessment of new solutions and technologies to support low carbon economy in urban areas. Furthermore a shared perception on Climate Neutral Urban Districts in the partnership is a project aim. To achieve this, we aim to develop the relation between urban development policy and climate mitigation measures.