Città di Torino

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EUCANET - Activities developed within the project


The «EUCANET» project was funded with the support of the European Union under the "Europe for Citizens" Programme

Axis 2, Measure 2.2 "Networks of towns"

6 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1
Kick-off meeting – Committing to city spaces
Participation: The project involved 69 citizens, notably 50 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 6 participants from the City of ClujNapoca (Romania), 6 participants from the City of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), 4 participants from the City of Marseille (France), 2 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 1 participant from the City of York (UK)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Torino, Italy from 08/03/2017 to 09/03/2017  
Short description:
First partners international meeting aimed at sharing objectives, methodologies and project tools. EUCANET was presented in the framework of a public event and four workshops in which international partners, local stakeholders and experts discussed about the role of city agencies as a tool to favour the participation of local communities in the decision-making processes linked to urban transformations and the use of public space.

Event 2
First Thematic Seminar – Consulting with citizens in large scale repurposing
Participation: The project involved 53 citizens, notably 35 participants from the City of Marseille (France), 6 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 5 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 4 participants from the City of Cluj-Napoca (Romania),1 participant from the City of Berlin (Germany), 1 participant from the City of Venice (Italy), 1 participant from the City of York (UK)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Marseille, France from 07/06/2017 to 09/06/2017
Short description:
Starting from the City of Marseille’s esperience in managing large urban transformations (such as the recovery and reuse of former productive areas), the seminar was structured around a series of study visits to key-districts in the city development including Euroméditerranée, Quartiers Libres, Belle de Mai, and meetings with institutions and involved local organizations. The local and European best practices have also been discussed by the partners and invited international experts in a public meeting hosted by the Syndacat des Architectsdes Bouches-du-Rhône.

Event 3
First Policy Workshop – Urban commons and the cooperative city
Participation: The project involved 51 citizens, notably 28 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 5 participants from the City of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 4 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 4 participants from the City of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), 2 participants from the City of Marseille (France), 2 participants from the City of Rome (Italy), 1 participant from the City of Berlin (Germany), 1 participant from the City of Lille (France), 1 participant from the City of York (UK), 1 participant from the City of Lecce (Italia), 1 participant from the City of Brescia (Italia), 1 participant from the City of Scandicci (Italia)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Bologna, Italy from 17/10/2017 to 19/10/2017
Short description:
The goal of the meeting was to develop a discussion on the importance of involving local stakeholders, citizens and city-makers in the transformation and use of publicly-owned assets. Core theme of the workshop was the co-creation of urban commons and new collective values, through concrete case studies in the Bologna area. The meeting included partners working sessions, study vists and meetings with the local stakehodlers, as well as a public seminar hosted by the Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana.

Event 4
Second Thematic Seminar – Urban Pioneers: Temporary Uses and Local Development
Participation: The project involved 51 citizens, notably 34 participants from the City of ClujNapoca (Romania), 6 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 5 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 3 participants from the City of Marseille (France), 2 participants from the City of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), 1 participant from the City of York (UK)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania from 17/04/2018 to19/04/2018
Short description:
The seminar was devoted to investigate how the temporary use of vacant buildings could activate citizens (the “urban pioneers”), by involving them in the development and city innovation. The EUCANET partners thus examined the role of local agencies and the public administration in supporting and facilitating such dynamics – from the bureocratic and operational point of view – with particular attention towards younger activists. The EUCANET project was morever presented in the framework of the Smart Cities Central & Eastern Europe Conference on 18th April.

Event 5
Second Policy Workshop – Testing Grounds – Citizens Centred and Data Driven Urban Development
Participation: The project involved 52 citizens, notably 35 participants from the City of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), 5 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 4 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 5 participants from the City of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 2 participants from the City of Berlin (Germany), 1 participant from the City of Marseille (France)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia from 06/06/2018 to 07/06/2018
Short description:
The workshop, hosted by the Faculty of Architecture at the SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, had the purpose of demonstrating the potential of use of the so called “citizen centred and data driven approach” in complex urban development processes, starting from the case of the new clinical centre in the Macedonian capital city. The use of databases, infographics, maps, has thus been recognized as a fundamental tool to let citizens and decision-makers decide in a more informed and evidence-based way.

Event 6
Final Conference – European City Agencies Network. A discussion on Citizenship and the Spatial Planning Process
Participation: The project involved 129 citizens, notably 78 participants from the City of Torino (Italy), 8 participants from the City of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), 5 participants from the City of Bologna (Italy), 4 participants from the City of Marseille (France), 4 participants from the City of ClujNapoca (Romania), 4 participants from the City of Lisbon (Portugal), 4 participants from the City of Rome (Italy), 3 participants from the City of Berlin (Germany), 3 participants from the City of Lille (France), 2 participants from the City of Brussels (Belgium), 2 participants from the City of Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 2 participants from the City of Carpi (Italy), 1 participant from the City of Tampere (Finland), 1 participant from the City of The Hague (The Netherlands), 1 participant from the City of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 1 participant from the City of Parma (Italy), 1 participant from the City of Cagliari (Italy), 1 participant from the City of York (UK), 1 participant from the City of Lyon (France), 1 participant from the City of Liverpool (UK), 1 participant from the City of Bari (Italy), 1 participant from the City of Brescia (Italy)
Location/Dates: the event took place in Torino, Italy from 04/12/2018 to 06/12/2018
Short description:
The EUCANET project was concluded in Torino with an international conference dedicated to urban agencies in which a very diverse audience – from local institutions to citizens, from European organizations to students – had the chance to debate on how it is possible to actively define the urban agenda, on the European policies which are influenced by local initiatives and which influence them in turn. Structured around two round tables and four practical workshops, the conference gathered more than 100 local participants and more than 20 international actors.

All the EUCANET activities, documents and outputs are available at