Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Title: TRIBUTE - Take the energy bill back to the promised building performance
EU funds to the project: 9.914.212 € (70%), out of which 298.400 € to the City of Torino
Partners: CSEM (Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de microtechnique SA - Recherche et Developpement), Scheider Electric Industries Sas, Cork Institute of Technology, IBM Ireland Product Distribution Limited, Technische Universitaet Dresden, TBC generateurs d'innovation, Equa simulation AB, Communauté d'agglomeration de la Rochelle, Université de la Rochelle, Politecnico di Torino, Zedfactory Europe Limited, Fundacio institut de recerca de l'energia de catalunya, Tekever - Technolodias de informaçao SA, NXP Semiconductors Netherlands  BV, Amires Sro
Period: 48 months (September 2013 - September 2017)
Contact: European Funds, Innovation and Economic Development Service, Environmental Sustainability Service
Description: the project aims at minimizing the gap between predicted and actual energy performances by developing a smart system for monitoring and control of energy in buildings. The data obtained will form a database for energy efficiency measures and allow to evaluate the overall health of the building and identify the weak points of his "energy system" that act negatively on consumption. Users will be involved in testing and empowered about the impact of their behavior on the energy performance of the building. The testing will be conducted in three buildings in Torino, Ireland and France.