Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


TO.SCA - Torino SCAmbi

Title: TO.SCA - Torino SCAmbi
EU Funds to the project: 244.187 €, entirely to the City of Torino
Partners: Training Agency Csea, FORMAZIONE 80 Agency, Espiral Entitat de Serveis, Am Transnational, Departamento de Education - Gobierno de Navarra, QUALO, Green Horizons, Cap Ulysse, CCCE Euroservice, Gewerkstatt
Period: 21 months (September 2010 - May 2012)
Contacts: Labour Policies and Vocational Guidance Department
Description: the project aim is to implement transnational mobility for those people involved in courses for retraining and re-employment through the activation of 91 placements in European companies working in the fields of environment, tourism, security, construction, transport, social and educational services. The City of Torino is the project leader.