Città di Torino

International Affairs

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SIforAGE - Social Innovation on active and healthy ageing for sustainable economic growth

Title: SIforAGE - Social Innovation on active and healthy ageing for sustainable economic growth
EU Funds to the project: 3.484.788 €, out of which 185.474 € (100%) to the City of Torino
Partners: Ingema Foundation, Gisme, University of Sheffield, Universitè de Pau et Pays de l’Adour, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, City of Krakow, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, Universitat de Lleida, Investornet, Health Care Academicians Society, Champagne-Ardenne Research and Innovation Agency, Fondaca, Senior intiatives Centre, Santa Casa da Mesericórdia, Eurag, European Healthy City Network, Silver Innings Foundation, Departamento de Saúde Coletiva
Period: 48 months (December 2012 - November 2016)
Contact: Service Agency Sfep
Description: the general objective of the SiforAGE project is to reinforce the mechanisms and the operational tools of the actors who deal with healthy and active ageing, scientists, final users, civil society and public administrations, aiming at improving the performances, the competitiveness and the growth of the European Union through the research and innovative products for a better quality of life.