Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


L.E.I.LA - Liaisons Européennes pour l'Inclusion et L'Autonomisation

Title: L.E.I.LA - Liaisons Européennes pour l'Inclusion et L'Autonomisation
EU Funds to the project: 25.000 € (100%) entirely to the City of Torino
Number of partners: 3 (2 of which are foreign partners)
Period: 24 months (August 2009 - July 2011)
Contact: Employment, Professional Training and Economic Development Division - General Affairs, Communication and European Projects Dept.
Description: the project aim is to improve the capacity for innovation as regards training, job placement and inclusion of those people at risk of exclusion from the employment market, especially women. The City of Torino is the project leader.