Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Updated 8-8-2013

EU Funds to the project: 1.045.455,00 € (95%), out of which 262.655,09 € to the City of Torino
Partners: RESAH-IDF, Johnson Matthey, Environment Park, Motiva, SP, ICLEI
Period: 36 months (March 2013 - March 2016)
Contact: European Funds, Development and Innovation Department
Description: the project aims at realizing coordinated eco-innovative bids in the field of collective food services. The characteristic element of the call is represented by the cooperation between public and private buyers in defining the purchasing procedures that could trigger eco-innovative solutions. For the City of Torino it’s a chance to further develop its know-how on defining the terms of the bids for school canteen services towards environmental sustainability and to study the next bid redesigning and innovating the entire service in order to minimize its environmental impact.