Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


AHEAD - Against Homophobia European Local Administration Devices

Title: AHEAD - Against Homophobia European Local Administration Devices
EU Funds to the project: 368.981 €, out of which 81,468 € to the City of Torino
Number of partners: 11 (6 of which are foreign partners)
Period: 18 months (January 2010 - June 2011)
Contact: Youth Division - Equal Opportunities and Gender Policies Dept.
Description: the project operates in two specific areas.

  1. Public policies:
    • publishing a white book on LGBT local public policies (male and female homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender);
    • establishing contacts among European cities that work in this field in order to create a network;
    • experimenting innovative LGBT local public policies.
  2. Academic research:
    • producing a feasibility study on the creation of a European network;
    • classifying and evaluating the development of innovative LGBT local public policies;
    • reflecting on intersectionality as a basis for LGBT local public policies experiences.

The City of Torino takes part in the project as a partner; the project leader is the City of Barcelona. In October 2010 the City of Barcelona hosted the project's International Conference.