Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


CITY-SEC: regional and energy agencies supporting muniCIpaliTY_SEC to jointly become active energy actors in Europe

Title: CITY_SEC: regional and energy agencies supporting muniCIpaliTY_SEC to jointly become active energy actors in Europe
EU Funds to the project: 964.366 €, out of which 59.872 € to the City of Torino (co-financing by the City Council through valorisation of internal staff for an amount equal to 19,958 €)
Partners: Svim - Società di Sviluppo Regione Marche, Development Agency of Istria, Regional Agency for Energy - Central Macedonia, Regional Development Agency - Bielsko Biala, Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden, Regional Development Agency of North Hungary, Slaskie Voivodeship Region
Period: 31 months (May 2010 - November 2012)
Contacts: Animal Protection and Services for Environment Department
Description: Within this project the cities identified as "Excellence Municipalities" will provide their experience and knowledge to assist and support other partners to develop the "Sustainable Energy Communities" and to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to join the Covenant of Mayors.