Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


META - Towards Integration

Title: META - Towards Integration
EU funds for the project: 1.581.319 € (50%), out of which 64,000 € to the City of Torino; the remaining 50% was funded through the rotating fund Law 183/97 - Equal Phase II
Partner: 6
Period: 6 months (September 2007 - February 2008)
Contact: Social Services and Relations with Health Authorities Division
Description: the project is intended to disseminate the output of Equal Phase II - Action 2 through projects for asylum seekers and refugees put forward by Agorà, Coopera, Inclusion Refugees Network, Integra 2004, IntegRARsi and Orizzonti, with a view to raise public awareness on the issue. Because the City of Torino was entrusted of the communication side and the closing workshop will be held there.