Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >




EU funds for the project: 805,000 € (84.9 %) - Equal Phase I

Period: 29 months (September 2002 - January 2005)

Contact: Employment, Professional Training and Economic Development Division

Description: completed in January 2005, the objective of the project was to provide support to people dealing with labor market transformations, with focus placed on two specific labor market problems - the risk of exclusion due to age and obsolete skills, and the risks relating to employment contracts not adequately governed, and characterized by marked intermittence. The project was designed to create and promote new intervention approaches to support the target group through the direct involvement of business and institutional and private actors who strongly affect the supply and demand for jobs. The City of Torino participated in the dissemination activities, playing a bridging role between the results obtained and the active labor policies promoted by the City. The project was headed by the City of Moncalieri and the partnership comprised the Towns of Chieri, Carmagnola and Nichelino, the Province of Torino, the schools ITIS Pininfarina and CTP S.M.S. Pirandello, and the non-profit association ENGIM. At the end of the project, the City of Moncalieri organized a public seminar entitled "Assessing lifelong professional skills and learning", held on January 26. The seminar also took a look at the experiences in this field of France, Germany and Finland, as well as the Piedmont Region.