Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


January 23rd-27th 2017 Kick-off of the MONICA project in Bonn - Germany

Updated 4-10-2018

Representatives of the Cabinet's Mayor International Affairs and European Projects Service of the City of Torino, of the Urban Safety Service of the City of Torino and of the Territory and Environment Directorate of the City of Torino went on a mission to Bonn for the kick-off meeting of the project MONICA, funded by the H2020 Programme.
The goal of the project is a large scale test of technologies dealing with the Internet of Things to improve environmental and safety issues related to major events takin place in urban areas. The City of Torino is one of the pilot sites with its movida and Kappa FuturFestival case studies. Among the partners of the consortium Movement Entertainment Srl and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.