Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


February 2012 Mission to China

Updated 4-22-2013

The Large Urban Projects Service of the City of Torino took part in a territorial mission to China, and visited the cities of Shenzehen, Hong Kong, Hangzhou and Shanghai. The main objective of the visit was to attend the International Conference on Urban Development and Innovation in Shenzhen on February 24th and give a speech at the session named “Urban Transition and Industrial Innovation”. The mission then continued scheduling several meetings with economic and institutional actors of the different local realities visited.

The stay in Hong Kong has been the occasion, on February 27th, for a meeting at the Economic/Commercial Unit of the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, while during its stay in Hangzhou the delegation, gathering representatives of the City of Torino, of the University of Torino and of the San Paolo Company, on February 28th, was welcomed by the technical and political personnel of the Municipality and by the Vice Mayor Tong Guili and then met local universities, financial subjects, professionals and culture operators. The Consul General De Luca also took part in the meetings.

Lastly, in Shanghai the delegation discussed on the issue of town planning and urban transformations at the Pudong New Area Planning and Land Authority and met academic representatives of the Tongji University.