Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


January 26th 2016 Agreement with Fortaleza

Updated 6-5-2017


The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and Alexandre Pereira, representing the Mayor of Fortaleza Roberto Cláudio Rodrigues Bezerra, subscribed a Cooperation Agreement aiming at activating an exchange of good practices in the field of smart cities, within the framework of the initiative Torino Living Lab, a domain in which the Brazilian city already has experience thanks to the similar initiative Planet Idea.
The Living Lab in Torino's district Campidoglio, urban open space for directly researching and testing new technologies and new services that could support the local model of smart city, therefore dialogues with Planet Idea, a new smart urban area of 25.000 inhabitants in Fortaleza, for exchanging experiences, technologies and solutions.