April 10th-14th Biennale Democrazia - Africa of the future, between democracy and developmentFor its third edition Biennale Democrazia faced the oxymoron of the possibility of the impossible together with remarkable guests from all over the world. Africa was one of the special focuses of the event, with the participation of high representatives from Angola, Mozambique, Congo Brazaville, Ghana in a meeting held on April 11th at the Teatro Carignano.
April 10th-12th 2013 EUROCITIES Economic Development ForumFrom April 10th to 12th the City of Torino hosted the periodic meeting of the EUROCITIES Economic Development Forum, the network of major European cities of which Torino is member since 1992.
April 8th 2013 La Finlandia a(ma) Torino - Finland loves TorinoAn exhibition made of images, music and words was held at the Teatro Vittoria to present to the public of Torino the Italian-Finnish association Minuksi, which, through a web portal and several territorial initiatives aims at promoting the participation of women in social, economic and cultural life.
March 22nd-24th 2013 Torino incontra la Francia: Torino tastes Lyon and Street Market from ChambéryThe City of Chambéry and the City of Lyon presented a sequence of meeting dedicated to wine and food: dinners and cooking classes offered by Lyon at the Maison Massena on March 22nd and 23rd and a street market of typical Savoy products, as well as some entertainment for children, in front of the City Hall on March 23rd and 24th.
February 14th 2013 Seminar: "Italy-Sweden, smart cities' best practices confrontation"On February 14th at Torino Incontra the City of Torino organized, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Torino, the Swedish Trade and Invest Council, Environment Park, The Foundation of the Order of Architects of Torino and Torino Wireless, a networking workshop to confront the best practices of the City of Torino and Swedish best practices on the Smart Cities issue.
February 6th 2013 Torino incontra la FranciaOn February 6th at Palazzo Madama, the Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe, the Ambassador of France in Italy Alain Le Roy and the Ambassador of Italy in France Giandomenico Magliano, officially presented the calendar of the initiative "Torino Incontra la Francia" scheduled in 2013.