Città di Torino

International Affairs

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Friend cities guests of the PERFORMING NOW 2012

Updated 4-23-2013

For the first time the Performing Now Festival hosts young foreign students coming from friend and twin cities of Torino.

The City of Torino, involving its rich network of foreign partners, invited from June 17 to 23 2012, young people coming from EU friend and twin cities.

30 young people coming from the friend Cities Chambéry, Lille, Lyon, Cologne, Glasgow and Rotterdam, took part in the third edition of the Performing Now festival, expressing and sharing their creative skills in artistic workshops, meetings and opportunities to discover the youth culture of Torino.

It's an initiative of the City of Torino, designed by the International Affairs and European Projects Service and the Youth Policies Service, through which it has been possible to valorise the youth policies of the City of Torino, to give a new impulse to young people participation and to promote through the festival the values of creativity, tolerance and mutual understanding among young people.