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Information as concerns the regulation of the elections of the EUROCITIES Working Groups

Here you are the contact details as concerns the Euromed WG:

  1. Chair of the EUROCITIES Euromed Working Group, Mr. Sergio Chiamparino, Mayor of Torino, c/oSecretariat of the Euromed Working Group, Via Corte d’Appello, 16 10122 Torino Italy
    Tel : +39 011 4437809,
    Fax : +39 011 4437878,
    e-mail :
  2. Policy Officer of EUROCITIES, Mrs. Eva Schultz, Senior Policy Advisor Governance and International Relations, EUROCITIES, Square de Meeûs, 18- 1050 Brussels,
    Tel : +32 2 552 08 64,
    Fax : +32 2 552 80 89,
    e-mail :

WG Chairs profiles will be uploaded onto the Internet Site of EUROCITIES protected by a password for use by members only.


The following criteria should be taken into consideration in the election process:

  1. geographical and gender balance
  2. relevant expertise
  3. leadership capacity
  4. availability of financial and human resources
  5. political support and availability
  6. previous and proved investment in EUROCITIES activities
  7. genuine "corporate" interest

Here you are the application form to be filled in order to present as candidate for the WG chair (Document A .pdf).

Further to the decision taken at the EUROCITIES AGM 2004, it is possible for those cities / associations not eligible for EUROCITIES membership to have the status of EUROCITIES Associated Partners.

Cities involved in the activities of the EUROCITIES Euromed Working Group and who are not currently a member of EUROCITIES, are offered the possibility of becoming a EUROCITIES Associated Partner

This would, within the frame of Euromed, mean that you are officially associated to the EUROCITIES organisation and would allow you to attend the members and partners-only parts of the Euromed meetings and that you can vote in the forthcoming elections of the new Chair. The activities of Euromed are more important than ever. A reinforcement of the EUROCITIES Euromed Working Group, through cohesion and commitment to jointly agreed objectives, would therefore be most welcome.

Associated partners can also chair Working Groups. In accordance with this rule, cities from the South Mediterranean can present their candidatures as Chair on condition that they become associated members of the network EUROCITIES. Here you are a schedule describing the modalities and the conditions in order to become associated partners (Document B En .pdf) and the application form (Document C .pdf). Please note that if you are not ready, or do not wish, to become a EUROCITIES associated partner, you will still be invited to participate in the conferences organised by the Euromed Working Group, and be allowed to attend the open sessions.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information