Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


July 1st-21st 2013 Delegation of Utrecht and Utrecht at Teatro a Corte

Updated 2-21-2014

The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe met  a delegation of the City of Utrecht in Torino from July 5th to 7th, led by Fritz Lintmejier, Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture and International Affairs of the Dutch city. The visits marked the final moment of the collaboration with the city of Utrecht, in the framework of the celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Utrecht. The collaboration brought some artists from Utrecht to take part in the international festival “Teatro a Corte”, organised by the Teatro Piemonte Europa Foundation.

Furthermore the Director of the History Museum of Utrecht took part in the international youth exchange “ALL4EU4ALL”, organised in Torino from July 2nd to 10th. Finally our city hosted, thanks to the cooperation of the Piedmont’s Regional Directorate for cultural and landscape heritage, in the porch of Palazzo Reale, an exhibition called "L'arte di fare la pace, i 300 anni del trattato di Utrecht", previously displayed at the European Parliament.