Coordination international activities
The international exchanges and the relations with foreign cities are one of the most ‘horizontal’ activities of the administration of the Comune di Torino. Apart from the two departments explicitly dedicated to organizing international activities – the International Relations Department and the International Cooperation and Peace Department, which respectively report directly to the Mayor and to the Deputy Mayor – each department and division of the administration is responsible for projects that must be considered part of the framework of international relations of the City of Torino.
In 2004 a coordination team was set up to discuss and coordinate the international strategies. Various departments take part in the team work.
- Settore Relazioni Internazionali (International Relations Department)
- Settore Cooperazione internazionale e Pace
(International Cooperation and Peace Department)
- Divisione Ambiente e Verde (Environment and Parks and Gardens Division) [themed networks, European environmental projects, international awards]
- Servizio Centrale Comunicazione, Olimpiadi, Promozione (Central Service for Communication, Olympics, Promotion) [international press office, tourist promotion, international events, Olympics]
- Divisione Servizi Culturali (Cultural Services Division) [cultural networks, museums, festivals and international events, libraries, European projects]
- Divisione Servizi Educativi (Educational Services Division) [computerised networks and international exchanges]
- Settore Gioventù (Youth Department) [computerised networks and international exchanges]
- Divisione Sistemi informativi (Information Systems Division) [computerised networks, international projects and awards in E-government fields]
- Divisione Lavoro, Orientamento e Formazione (Employment, Guidance and Training Division) [ESF, ERDF, European projects]
- Settore Pari Opportunità e Politiche di Genere (Equality Policies Department) [international projects, exchange of best practice]
- Corpo di Polizia Municipale (Municipal Police Force) [international exchanges and projects in the field of urban police training]
- Settore Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica e Periferie (Council Housing and Neighbourhood Department) [coordination URBAN II, European networks and projects related to urban regeneration]
- Divisione Servizi Sociali (Social Services Division) [European projects, foreign residents department]
- Settore Sport (Sports Department) [international sports events, exchanges]
- Settore Tempi e Orari (Time and Motion Department) [exchange of best practices]
- Settore Urban Center(Urban Center Department) [exchange of best practices, presentation abroad]
Annual Report
The coordination of all these departments will allow the publication of an annual report (.pdf format) on the internationalisation of the city, detailing each activity.