Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


November 13th 2019 Delegation of Kharkhorin - Mongolia

Updated 2-7-2020

mostra kharkhorin-2
mostra kharkhorin

The Mayor of the City of Torino, Chiara Appendino, met a delegation from Kharkhorin led by the Mayor, Enkhbat Lamzav, and by the President of the Uvurkhangai Region, Gochoo Ganbold. During the meeting the two Mayors signed a new Cooperation Pact renewing their commitment to support mutual cooperation. Moreover, in the frame of the activities foreseen by the cooperation pact, the photo exhibit on “Mongolia - Uvurkhangai: glimpses of beauty under the endless sky” was opened at the Andrea Della Corte music public library.