Città di Torino

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February 1st-27th 2016 Northern Lands Torino Festival

Updated 6-5-2017

From February 7th to 14th in Torino the  therd edition of the Northern Lands Torino Festival, a unique cultural event in Italy dedicated to the cultures and traditions of northern Europe. Among the main events, on February 7th, at 17.00, the opening concert at the Villa Tesoriera - Biblioteca civica musicale A. Della Corte, Corso Francia 186, subject to mandatory reservation on the website of the event, and on February 14th, at 17.00, the closing concert at the Teatro Vittoria, Via A. Gramsci 4, on a first come first served basis. An integral part of the Festival is the exhibition Northern Lands. Depth, in the hall of the Biblioteca civica centrale, Via della Cittadella 5, from February 1st to 27th. The complete programme of the initiatives is available on