Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


November 19th-21st 2014 Mission to Beijing - China

Updated 5-5-2014

The Deputy Mayor in charge of Subsidiary Companies, Security Policies, Municipal Police and Civil Protection of the City of Torino Giuliana Tedesco led a territorial mission to China, on the occasion of the EU-China Urbanization Forum. IREN, Politecnico of Torino and the Chamber of Commerce of Torino also took part in the mission. 
On November 20th after the opening ceremony the Deputy Mayor opened the conference "Torino & Italy - Luoyang & Henan Cooperation Day Torino - Luoyang: make the partnership real"together with the Mayor of Luoyang Li Liushen and the Italian Ambassador in China Alberto Bradanini. Then it was the turn of the President of IREN Francesco Profumo, of the President of Eurochambers Alessandro Barberis, of the Politecnico of Torino and of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino.
On November 21st then the Deputy Mayor took part in the plenary session of the EU-China Urbanization and at the end of the works a letter of intent was signed between the City of Torino and the City of Luoyang for subscribing a cooperation agreement in the field of urban development. Finally, in the evening, an event for promoting EXPO 2015 was held at the Ambassador's residence in the presence of tour operators, opinion leaders and journalists.