Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


December 7th-January 24th Politecnico of Torino in Shenzhen


Within the context of multiple exchanges among City, Politecnico and China, the Department of Architecture and Design of the university of Torino, last September, won the call for participating in the Biennal of Architecture and Urbanism of Shenzhen, the third in the world for its importance. The proposal was submitted by the Politecnico of Torino with its Chinese partners, South China University of Technology and Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Architecture University Institute of Venice. Such a network reinforced itself thanks to the joint participation to a nationally relevant project of the Ministry for Instruction, University and Research, called Re-cycle. New cycles of life for cities and their landscapes. The team cures Watersheds (Shenzen, December 7th - January 24th), supported by the Italian Embassy in Beijing, the Italian Cultural Institute, the City of Torino and the Liwan District (Guangzhou).
More info about the initiative are available here
