Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


April 7th-9th 2013 Mission to Istanbul - Turkey

Updated 2-21-2014


The Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe led a territorial mission, involving the City of Torino, the Salone Internazionale del Libro of Torino, the Museo Civico di Arte Antica Palazzo Madama and the Museo d'Arte Orientale, to Istanbul in Turkey for designing the programme of cultural projects Torino incontra Istanbul 2014.

The mission, organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Istanbul, the Italian Embassy in Turkey and the Italian Cultural Institute of Istanbul, allowed the delegates to hold several bilateral meetings aiming at identifying cooperation opportunities in order to design the calendar of Torino incontra Istanbul 2014. More in detail the Deputy Mayor met Abdurrahman Şen, Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture and Social Affairs of the Greater Municipality of Istanbul, the Directot of the Foundation for Arts and Culture of Istanbul Görgün Taner, the Director of the Pera Museum Özalp Birol, The Director of the Museum of Turkish Carpets Serpil Özçelik, The Deputy Director of the Topkapi Palace Museum Ayşe Erdoğdu, the Director of the Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum Seracettin Şahin, the Director of the Sabanci Museum Nazan Ölçer.