Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


January 9th-11th 2013 Mission to Berlin - Germany

Updated 2-21-2014


The Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe led a mission to Berlin in order to promote Torino and the several features that make it one of the most lively and dynamic cities in Italy, from the economic, cultural and tourism perspectives.

The City organized on January 10, in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Berlin, a meeting on the issue “THE TRANSFORMATION OF TORINO: culture, arts, architecture and innovation in a city to discover” at the Italian Embassy house, and several speakers gave a speech, besides the Deputy Mayor: the Ambassador of Italy in Berlin Elio Menzione, the President of the National Museum of the Automobile, Benedetto Camerana, the Marketing Director of Turismo Torino e Provincia Marcella Gaspardone.

As an aside of the event, the delegation took part on January 9th in the inauguration of the Exhibition dedicated to Martin Scorsese at the Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen (Cinema Museum of Berlin) and realized in cooperation with the National Cinema Museum of Torino, for which the Director Alberto Barbera was present, and on January 10 in the morning the delegation took part in a meeting with the Director of the Neues Museum, Frau Seyfried, to discuss forms of cooperation with the museums of Torino.