International Relations

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2012 October

  • October 29th 2012 - Ambassador of Guatemala

    The Amb. Franco Giordano, Diplomatic Advisor of the City of Torino, met the Ambassador of Guatemala in Italy Alfredo Trinidád Velasquez.

  • October 25th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Amb. Franco Giordano, Diplomatic Advisor of the City of Torino met the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland in Italy Patrick Hennesy.

  • October 25th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Amb. Franco Giordano, Diplomatic Advisor of the City of Torino met the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Italy Andrian Yelemessov and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Torino Ezio Bigotti.

  • October 24th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met the Ambassador of the Republic of Liberia in Italy Mohammed Sheriff, in Torino for the inauguration of the Salone del Gusto.

  • October 24th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the President of the Municipal Council Giovanni Maria Ferraris met the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Italy Wojciech Ponikiewski.

  • October 23rd-24th 2012 - Delegation of Nantes - France

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Development, Innovation, Environment, Green and Public Hygiene of the City of Torino Enzo Lavolta met a delegation coming from Nantes European Green Capital 2013, in Torino to plan a future exhibition on our territory in relation to such award.

  • October 19th-21st 2012 - Mission to Nagoya and Tokyo - Japan

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe went on a mission to Japan. The Deputy was guest of the City of Nagoya on the occasion of the Sister City Festival 2012 and then went to Tokyo to plan “Italy in Japan 2013”, the integrated Review of the national economic system to promote Italian excellences in Japan which foresees the involvement of Torino.

  • October 19th-21st 2012 - Torino Lyon and Chambéry: joint street marketing

    Lyon and Chambéry organize a joint promotion in Torino, with the support of the Rhône-Alpes region and SNCF, within the framework of a reciprocal promotion agreement between Torino and the transalpine cities. In the weekend of October 19 and 20 and on October 22, following the press conference to launch the initiative that involved the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture, Heritage and Tourism of the City of Chambéry Jean-Pierre Ruffier, on the historical trams and in a small village in the city centre some promotional material were distributed and were held some entertaining exhibitions together with a tasting of typical products of the Rhône-Alpes region. The following week was the turn of the Piedmont’s Capital to be guest in Lyon where it had the chance to promote the winter season in Torino. During the all period, in the three cities was held a posting campaign for reciprocal promotion.

  • October 19th 2012 - Delegation of Sofia - Bulgaria

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Development, Innovation, Environment, Green and Public Hygiene of the City of Torino Enzo Lavolta met the Deputy Mayor in charge of Ecology and Soil Exploitation of the City of Sofia Maria Boyadzhiyska, the Vice President of the Municipal Council of Sofia Nikolay Stoynev and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in Torino Gianni Stornello, in Torino for some technical visits.

  • October 18th-19th 2012 - Delegation of Utrecht - Netherlands

    The Central Division for International Activities and Youth of the City of Torino met a delegation of the City of Utrecht, to define the contents of the future cooperation in the field of culture between the two cities, on the occasion of the celebrations that will be held in 2013 for the 300th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Utrecht.

  • October 10th-12th 2012 - Mission to Lisbon - Portugal

    A delegation of the territory, led by the Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and which involved also the Chamber of Commerce of Torino and Turismo Torino e Provincia, went on a mission to Lisbon in Portugal for a promotional event entitled “TORINO, A CITY TO DISCOVER culture, arts, economy, tourism and innovation”. On the occasion a letter of intent between the two cities was also signed.

  • October 6th 2012 - Young artists from Torino at the White Night of Skopje - Republic of Macedonia

    As a first step of cooperation in the field of culture, following the agreement signed by Torino and Skopje on May 23rd 2012, some young artists from Torino were invited by the Mayor Koce Trajanovski for performing on the occasion of the Belanok, the white night, one of the most important cultural events of the Capital of Macedonia.

  • October 4th-7th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino, Il Sindaco della Città di Torino Piero Fassino, the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe the Amb. Franco Giordano, Diplomatic Advisor of the City of Torino met the Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Italy Tint Swai, visiting Torino for studying possible future projects of cooperation.

  • October 4th-5th 2012 - Delegation of Montréal - Canada

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Development, Innovation, Environment, Green and Public Hygiene of the City of Torino Enzo Lavolta met a delegation coming from Montréal, Canada, in Torino to present the initiative Mosaïcultures Internationales Montréal - MIM 2013, travelling festival dedicated to the art of horticulture, and discuss about possible cooperation.

  • October 3rd 2012 - Delegation of Hebron - State of Palestine

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met a delegation coming from Hebron and led by the Mayor Khaled Osaily, in Torino within the framework of an initiative organized by the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism.

  • October 1st-2nd 2012 - Urbact Markets

    The first phase of the European project Urbact Markets comes to an end after two intense days of work in Torino. The Deputy Mayor in charge of Commerce, Municipal Police and Civil Protection of the City of Torino Giuliana Tedesco meets at the City Hall the partners from Barcelona, London, Suceava, Dublin, Toulouse, Wroclaw and Pécs to discuss the strategies to be implemented from now until 2015 to revitalize urban markets.

2012 September

  • September 28th 2012 - Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met the Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya in Italy Josephine Gaita.

  • September 26th 2012 - Delegation of Buenos Aires - Argentina

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Road System, Infrastructures, Transports and Mobility of the City of Torino Claudio Lubatti met a delegation of members of the Government of the Independent City of Buenos Aires, in Torino to discuss joint projects on the issue of urban mobility.

  • September 26th 2012 - Delegation of Vaughan - Canada

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met a delegation coming from Vaughan in Canada and led by the Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua, in Torino for an economic mission and some focuses on large urban transformations.

  • September 24th-26th 2012 - The ACES commission in Torino to evacuate the candidacy to European Sport Capital 2015

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Sport, Free Time and IS systems of the City of Torino Stefano Gallo welcomed the commission of the European Capitals of Sport Association (ACES) in Torino to evaluate its candidacy to European Sport Capital 2015. During the visit the excellence of the city in the field of sports were portrayed to the commission: sport venues, universities, events.

  • September 23rd-26th 2012 - Delegation of Mexico

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Town Planning Policies and Integration Policies of the City of Torino Ilda Curti met a delegation coming from Mexico, in Torino within the framework of the Integrated Program on Social Cohesion Mexico-European Union.

  • September 21st 2012 - Consul General of France

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met the new Consul General of France in Torino Edith Ravaux and the new Director of the Alliance Française Torino Frédéric Bouilleux.

  • September 20th 2012 - Dutch real estate agencies visiting Torino

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino, the Vice Mayor of the City of Torino Tom Dealessandri and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Town Planning Policies and Integration Policies of the City of Torino Ilda Curti met a delegation of members of some Dutch real estate agencies, in Torino for some focuses on large urban transformations. The delegation carried out different technical visits and was welcomed at the Urban Centre Metropolitano. The visit was organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, the Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism and the Law Firm Pontecorvi Mannaerts & Triboldi.

  • September 18th 2012 - Ambassador and Consul General of the U.S.A.

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met the Ambassador of the U.S.A. in Italy David Thorne and the Consul General of the U.S.A. in Milan Kyle Scott.

  • September 13th 2012 - Festival des Musiques Sacrées du Monde of Fès and MI.TO Settembre Musica

    Following the signature of the agreement between the City of Torino and the City of Fès back in 2010, some technical meeting and exchanges were ser aiming at designing a joint initiative, involving MI.TO and the Festival des Musiques Sacrées du Monde of Fès. The agreement finally became concrete in 2012 with an exchange of concerts between the two Festivals.

  • September 12th-14th 2012 - Mission of the Mayor in Turkey

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino led a mission of the territory in Turkey: in addition to the City, the Chamber of Commerce, Turismo Torino and Sagat were also present. The mission, which took place from September 12 to 14, combined different strategic purposes: institutional cooperation, triggering economic cooperation, supporting tourist-cultural promotion. Furthermore it represented an important occasion to present to the wider public, to the entrepreneurs and to the Turkish authorities the great potential of the Piedmont's capital city.

  • September 7th-8th 2012 - Ban Ki-moon in Torino for the UN Retreat

    The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, the Deputy Secretary General, Jan Eliasson, and around 50 high representatives of the United Nations gathered for the third time in Torino to take part in the meeting organized by the Staff College for the top management of the UN, at the historical venue of the Castello del Valentino. In this occasion the Italian Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi also came back to Torino.

  • September 7th 2012 - Delegation of Afghanistan

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met an Afghan delegation, in Torino for the 3rd UNESCO Expert Working Group, a closed-doors working meeting held at MAO on September 5th and 6th, and led by the Deputy Minister in charge of Information and Culture of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mossadeq Khalili.

  • September 6th-7th 2012 - Mission to Helsinki - Finland

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of the City of Torino Maurizio Braccialarghe went on a mission to Helsinki in Finland to represent Torino, appointed by ICSID as the first World Design Capital back in 2008 and invited to take part in the exhibition-event "Helsinki International Design House Exhibition: everyday discoveries" within the framework of Helsinki World Design Capital 2012. During his mission the Deputy Mayor was also welcomed by the Deputy Mayor in charge Education, Culture and Personal Affairs of the City of Helsinki Ritva Viljanen.

  • September 5th 2012 - Delegation of Brazil

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Piero Fassino met a Brazilian delegation, in Torino to study the integrated management of the environmental services related to water and waste and led by the Minister in charge of the Cities of the Federal Republic of Brazil Agunaldo Villoso Borges Ribeiro.

  • September 4th 2012 - Mission to Cape Town - South Africa for the candidacy to the IFLA Congress 2016

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Development, Innovation, Environment, Green and Public Hygiene of the City of Torino Enzo Lavolta met went on a mission to Cape Town in South Africa, on the occasion the IFLA - International Federation of Landscape Architects - World Congress 2012 in order to put Torino forward as a candidate to host the 53rd World Congress of Landscape Architects 2016. Torino, after a voting that involved several personalities from all over the world, has been chosen as the winning candidate.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information