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2010 December

  • December 5th-9th 2010 - Mission to Chicago - U.S.A.

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino gave a lecture at the prestigious Global Metro Summit "From Metro to macro: how metro transformation can deliver the next economy" organized in Chicago by the London School of Economics and the Brookings Institute. Torino, together with Munich, Barcelona and Seoul, has been chosen as a case study for its model of urban transformation and diversification which has been able to overcome the industrial crisis and to face the new dynamics of the global economy. Lectures also by the President of the Industrial Union Gianfranco Carbonato and by the Rector of the Politecnico Francesco Profumo.

  • December 1st-3rd 2010 - Delegation from Grenoble - France

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Integration Policies, Ilda Curti, and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Giovanni Maria Ferraris, met a delegation coming from Grenoble and led by the Vice Director of the Agglomeration Community Grenoble Alpes Métropole Morad Bachir Chérif, interested in urban transformations and in the economic and social regeneration models for the districts.

2010 November

  • November 21st 2010 - TORINOver010

    The 2010 edition of TORINOver, the exhibition on the bill of Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte and taken care of by Elle Contemporaryprojects, is once again involving the twin cities and their artists: the exhibition, inaugurated on November 21st, is then scheduled at the Trongate 103 in Glasgow and at the CBK in Rotterdam. Besides, the itinerant video-art session 1year message! is scheduled, beyond Glasgow and Rotterdam, also in Nagoya and Salt Lake City.

  • November 15th-19th 2010 - Delegation from Detroit - U.S.A.

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met a delegation, coming from Detroit and led by the Mayor Dave Bing, within the framework of a study project promoted by the Kresge Foundation and financed by the German Marshall Fund in collaboration with the Association Torino Internazionale and the Compagnia di San Paolo. The delegation, that included several institutional, cultural and economic representatives as well as journalists and managers, carried out an intense programme of visits and meetings aiming at exploring eventual cooperation opportunities. During the visit a public confrontation among the two Mayors, moderated by the director of La Stampa Mario Calabresi, and a concert of the Detroit Torino Urban Jazz Project have also taken place.

  • November 8th-11th 2010 - European Project B-TEAM

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Giovanni Maria Ferraris, and The Deputy Mayor in charge of City Planning, Private Building and Public Property, Mario Viano, took part in the workshops dedicated to urban regeneration which, in the framework of the European project B-TEAM, have kept up for four days professionals coming from the whole Europe.

  • November 3rd 2010 - Delegate from Serbia

    A representative of the Serbian Ministry of Energy, in Torino within the framework of the event International Environment & Energy Exchange organized by CEIPiemonte, met some functionaries of the local administration.

  • November 3rd 2010 - Delegate from Casablanca - Morocco

    A representative of the City of Casablanca, in Torino within the framework of the event International Environment & Energy Exchange organized by CEIPiemonte, met some functionaries of the local administration.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information