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2010 February

  • February 26th 2010 - Delegation from Rumania

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Integration Policies Ilda Curti met the Members of the Rumanian Parliament Marius Neculai, Tedor-Marius Spînu, Viorel Cârare and the Mayor of the City of Roman Laurentiu Dan Leoreanu interested in discussing about the municipalized companies and the possibilities of improving the Italy-Rumania relations through the systems-network of town twinnings.

  • February 23rd-24th 2010 - Mission of the City to South Korea

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino led a mission of the territory to South Korea, in Seoul, on the occasion of the World Design Cities Summit, event through which the Korean capital city opened the year as Design World Capital, biennial title conferred by Icsid and formerly held by Torino.

  • February 16th 2010 - Consul General of Morocco

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met Consul General of Morocco Norredine Radhi.

  • February 9th-10th 2010 - Podlaskie Region - Poland

    The City of Torino welcomed a delegation coming from the Podlaskie Region in Poland, including several politicians of the region, wishing to discuss about ICTs.

  • February 9th 2010 - Consul General of Switzerland

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri, met the Consul General of Switzerland in Genoa Hans Ulrich Tanner.

  • February 2nd 2010 - Ambassador of Egypt

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Egypt in Italy Amr Abbas.

  • February 2nd 2010 - Delegation from Benin

    The City of Torino welcomed a delegation of urban planners from Benin interested in discussing about the important urban transformation the city underwent during the last years.

2010 January

  • January 18th-23rd 2010 - City of Tirana - Albania

    Following the signature, in 2009, of a cooperation agreement with the City of Tirana concerning e-government and ICTs, the City of Torino host some of the executives of the public administration of the Albanian city for a first concrete feed-back: a week for a deep analysis of the e-government model of Torino. Once the working session finished, defined the next operational objectives of the cooperation.

  • January 15th 2010 - Mayor of Bacau - Rumania

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Mayor of the City of Bacau Romeo Stavarache.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information