International Relations

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2009 October

  • October 24th 2009 - City of Tabriz - Iran

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri met a delegation led by the Mayor of the City of Tabriz, Novin Alireza, coming to Torino for a technical visit to the new underground of the City.

  • October 21st-22nd 2009 - City of Munich - Germany

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Mayor of the City of Monaco, Christian Ude, coming to Torino leading a large delegation composed of politicians, officials, members of city-owned enterprises and Bavarian authorities. During their stay in Torino, the delegates visited the Olympic sites as well as different areas of the City that, during the past years, underwent important urban transformations; the delegation also met the Deputy Mayor in charge of City Planning, Private Building and Public Property of the City of Torino, Mario Viano.   

  • October 20th 2009 - Neo Consul General of Belgium

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the neo Consul General of Belgium in Milan, François Cornet D’Elzius, accompanied by the Honorary Consul Carlo Gamma, to welcome his installation.

  • October 19th-20th 2009 - City of Lyon - France

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Decentralisation and Metropolitan Area, Marta Levi, met a delegation from the City of Lyon, visiting Torino for technical meetings within the European project FSE - Action Innovante Transnationale - “Lutte contre les discrimination dans la gestion des ressources des collectivités territoriales”, to which the City takes part through the coordination of the International Affairs Department of the City of Torino.

  • October 16th 2009 - Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele dell’Utri, together with the Chairman of the City Council Giuseppe Castronovo and the Vice President Michele Coppola, met the Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Italy, Branko Kesic.

  • October 16th 2009 - London Economic Development Corporation - Canada

    The Office of the Deputy Mayor in charge of Commerce, Tourism, Productive Activities and Urban Marketing of the City of Torino met a delegation from the London Economic Development Corporation.

  • October 15th-16th 2009 - Region of Plock - Poland

    The office of the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical Services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino welcomed a delegation composed of several Mayors coming from various Polish towns of the Region of Plock, visiting Torino to analyse subjects connected to e-government and ICTs.  

  • October 05th-07th 2009 - City of Huddinge - Sweden

    The City of Torino welcomed a delegation coming from the Swedish town of Huddinge interested in the subject of Social Cooperatives.

2009 September

  • September 30th - October 3rd 2009 - Mission to Tirana - Albania

    The Mayor of the City of Torino led a mission to Tirana in which several bodies of the Torino area were involved, such as the University of Torino, the Politecnico of Torino, the Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, the Chamber of Commerce Industry Agriculture Handicrafts of the City of Torino and the Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione del Piemonte. 

  • September 24th-27th 2009 - Lech Walesa - Poland

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’'Utri, and the President of the Municipal Council Giuseppe Castronovo, welcome the historic leader of the Solidarnosc movement, Lech Walesa, in Torino for a series of meetings related to the inauguration of the photographic exhibition “Beyond the iron curtain”, on stage at the Cavallerizza Reale from September 25th to October 4th.

  • September 12th 2009 - Mission to Glasgow - United Kingdom

    On the occasion of the event “Glasgow - UNESCO City of Music”, the City of Glasgow has organised an interesting cultural programme for his hosts, which included, besides a representative of the city of Torino, also the Mayor of Bethlehem (Palestine), a delegation from Rostov on Don (Russian Federation), a delegation from Saint Malot (France), a representative of the City of Lahore (Pakistan). The delegates, during the day, have been welcomed by the Lord Provost Robert Winter, for the official regards.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information