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2009 December

  • December 17th 2009 - Presentation of the project CO2-NeuTrAlp

    On December 17th from 9 am to 12 pm in Sala Colonne - Palazzo Civico, the presentation of the European project CO2-Neutral Transport for the Alpine Space takes place, with the participation of the international partners that are part of it. The presentation of the project, financed by the Alpine Space programme, Objective 3, European Territorial Cooperation, is a chance to think about solutions for a sustainable mobility. An intervention of the the Deputy Mayor in charge of Environment, Housing Policies and Green Areas of the City of Torino, Roberto Tricarico, closed the event.

  • December 10th-11th 2009 - Ambassador of Brazil

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri, met the Ambassador of Brazil in Italy, Josè Viegas Filho, coming to Torino within the framework of the programme “100 città per 100 progetti Italia-Brasile”.

2009 November

  • November 30th 2009 - Ambassador of Mozambique

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri, met the Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique in Italy, Carla Elisa Luis Mucavi, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Honorary Consulate of Mozambique.

  • November 22nd-26th 2009 - Mission of the City to Morocco

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino led a mission of the territory to Morocco, in which the University of Torino and the Chamber of Commerce Industry Agriculture Handicrafts of Torino were involved, for some institutional meeting in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca, Fès.

  • November 19th-22nd 2009 - City of Changchun - China

    The City Counsellor Luca Cassiani, President of the Culture, Education, Sport, Tourism, Leisure, and Youth Commission of the City of Torino welcomed a delegation coming from the City of Changchun led by the Vice Mayor Zheng Wenzhi, visiting Torino with the aim of collecting wider information about the Torino Film Festival and the National Museum of the Cinema.

  • November 12th 2009 - International Seminar CAT-MED

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Environment, Housing Policies and Green Areas of the City of Torino, Roberto Tricarico and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri took part to the International Seminar “The Social Dimension of Environmental Sustainability” which took place at the Environment Park within the European project CAT MED Change Mediterreanean Metropolis Around Time , to which the City of Torino participates through the coordination of the International Affairs Department. 

  • November 5th 2009 - City of Lyon - France

    The Museums Department of the City of Torino welcomed a delegation coming from the City of Lyon to start up the European project Comenius Regio - PAT.H.S “La Scuola è il nostro Patrimonio”, to which the City takes part through the coordination of the International Affairs Department. After this first meeting, mutual technical visits concerning diffused museums and scholar heritage will take place all along the next two years. 

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information