International Relations

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2008 December

  • December 17th 2008 - Consul General of the Netherlands

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Consul General of the Netherlands in Milan Nora Stehouwer-Van Iersel and the Honorary Consul in Torino Oreste Accornero who, within the framework of Torino world Design Capital 2008, honoured him with a Double Dutch bicycle.

  • December 3rd 2008 - Neo Consul of Rumania

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Neo consul of Rumania in Torino Julia Buje to welcome her installation.

  • December 3rd 2008 - UN Vice Secretary-General

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Demographic, Electoral, Statistical services, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino, Michele Dell’Utri, met the United Nations Vice Secretary-General Asha-Rose-Migiro on his visit to Torino.

2008 November

  • November 27th 2008 - City of Lugano - Switzerland

    The International Affairs Department and the Education to Cultural Heritage Department of the City of Torino met e delegation of functionaries of the City of Lugano to discuss of the eventual activation of a Cooperation Agreement between the two cities.

  • November 24th 2008 - Ambassador of Peru

    The Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Peru Carlos Roca Cįceres.

  • November 8th 2008 - Club To Club 08 - Torino\Rotterdam

    In the wake of the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of the multiple twinning Torino, Cologne, Esch-sur-Alzette, Liege, Lille and Rotterdam and of the charter for sustainability signed on that occasion, a project putting the issue of energy saving together with cultural and artistic exchanges within the schedule of Club To Club 08. The eight edition of the International Festival of Electronic Music and Arts comes for the first time to Rotterdam, after Berlin and Barcelona. Club Europa: Novembre 8th, last day of the kermesse, event aired live Wi-Pie from the first eco-friendly club in the world, WATT-Rotterdam.

  • November 6th-8th 2008 - City of Seoul - South Korea

    The City welcomed a delegation coming from Seoul and led by the Vice Mayor Yong Kull Kwon on their visit to Torino World Design Capital 2008 on the occasion of the handover to Seoul world Design Capital 2010.

  • November 6th 2008 - City of Nagoya - Japan

    The Vice Mayor of the City of Torino Tom Dealessandri met a delegation of functionaries of the City of Nagoya on their visit to Torino World Design Capital 2008.

  • November 4th-8th 2008 - Mission of the City to Mumbai and Calcutta - India

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino led a mission of the territory to India, where it stopped in Mumbai and Calcutta.

  • November 3rd 2008 - Ambassador of Israel

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Israel in Rome Ghideon Meir.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information