International Relations

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2007 December

  • December 21st 2007 - Consul General of India

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Consul General of India in Milan Sarvajit Chakravarti.

  • December 16th 2007 - Dalai Lama

    The City of Torino welcomed the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, who was given the honorary citizenship of Torino.

  • December 14th 2007 - Ambassador of Bulgaria

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the neo Ambassador of Bulgaria Atanas Mladenov.

  • December 13th 2007 - Hefei - China

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino Michele Dell'Utri together with some representatives of the Politecnico of Torino met a delegation of the Municipal Government of Hefei in order to discuss future joint actions.

  • December 10th 2007 - Consul General of China in Milan

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Consul General of China in Milan Zhang Limin.

  • December 10th 2007 - Seoul - South Korea

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino Michele Dell'Utri met a delegation led by the Vice Mayor of Seoul Kwon Young Gull for an information exchange between World Design Capitals (Torino 2008 and Seoul 2010).

  • December 07th 2007 - Consul of Egypt

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Consul of Egypt Sherine Maher.

  • December 06th 2007 - Ambassador of France

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the neo Ambassador of France Jean Marc de la Sablière.

2007 November

  • November 30th 2007 - District of Nanshan, Municipality of Shenzhen - China

    The International Affairs Department of the City of Torino met a delegation from the Municipality of Shenzhen - District of Nanshan on the occasion of a visit organised by the Centro Esteri per l'Internazionalizzazione with the support of the Regione Piemonte and the Istituto per il Commercio Estero.

  • November 19th 2007 - Rumanian Minister for the Small and Medium Enterprises

    The Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino Michele Dell'Utri met a Rumanian delegation led by the Minister for the Small and Medium Enterprises Ovidiu Silaghi.
    The discussion focused on how to tackle the different problems related to the professional inclusion of Rumanian immigrants.

  • November 12th 2007 - Rumanian Minister of Justice

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met a Rumanian delegation led by the Minister of Justice Ghiuariu Tudor-Alexandru in order to discuss how to tackle the different problems related to the strong Rumanian presence in Italy.

  • November 12th 2007 - Chinese Vice Minister of Labour and Social Security

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met a Chinese delegation led by the Vice Minister of Labour and Social Security Baoshu Sun.

  • November 5th 2007 - Mission of the City in Toronto - Canada

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino has been invited to the convention "The infrastructures Challenge" within the framework of the International Economic Forum of the Americas/Toronto Forum for Global Cities held in Toronto the 5th of November 2007. The Mayor witnessed the experience of Torino in the field of urban regeneration.

  • October 24th 2007 - Mayor of Sarajevo - Bosnia Herzegovina

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met a delegation led by the Mayor of Sarajevo Semiha Borovac during his visit to Torino on the occasion of Melting Box - International Fair of Rights and Equal Opportunities for All.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information