International Relations

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2007 June

  • June 29th 2007 - Torino and city networks - RECS

    The City of Torino hosted on June 29th the Annual Conference of the Strategic Cities Network focused on cities internationalisation and on the great events as a boost to urban development.

  • June 28th 2007 Turin supports Lyon as European Capital of Culture 2013

    The Cities of Torino and Lyon have signed a cooperation agreement for the candidacy of the latter as European Capital of Culture 2013, year during which the title will be awarded to a French city.
    The city of Lyon aims to develop an integrated candidacy with the Rhône-Alpes region which should be opened to great European metropolis.
    The agreement plans the support of Torino to the Lyon’s candidacy and schedules the involvement of the Piedmont's regional capital in the organization of joint activities if the city of Lyon will be awarded of the title.

  • June 27th 2007 - Consul of the U.S.A.

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the International Affairs Department met the Consul of the United States Deborah Ethel Graze

  • June 20th-27th 2007 - Delegation from Cordoba - Argentina

    The International Affairs Department of the City of Torino organised for a delegation of student engineers from the argentinian city of Cordoba a study tour of the automotive in Torino.

  • June 9th 2007 - Delegation from Rumania

    A huge delegation coming from Rumania and led by the Mayor of Bacau Romeo Stavarache and the Consuls General of Rumania in Torino and Milan met the Mayor of the City of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs Michele Dell’Utri in order to discuss an educationl project draft concerning the Rumanian language and culture given the presence of a large Rumanian community in Torino’s area.

  • June 4th-7th 2007 - City of Turku - Finland

    A delegation coming from the City of Turku and led by the Vice President of the City Council Paulina De Anna met the Deputy Mayor in charge of Family, Health and Social Policies of the City of Torino Marco Borgione and the heads of some social cooperatives acting in Torino.

  • May 5th-June 1st 2007 - Torino in city networks di Città - EUROCITIES

    On May 31st and June 1st Torino hosted the Cooperation Platform of EUROCITIES, the network of European major cities, reserved for the representatives coming from the whole Europe, scheduling a two-days of workshops and conferences focused on the cooperation among cities in Europe in the fields of urban sustainable development, promotion and access to the EU funds.

2007 May

  • May 31st 2007 - Ambassador of Albania

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Ambassador of Albania Llesh Kola.

  • May 27th-28th 2007 - City of Shenyang - China

    A delegation of the Chinese City of Shenyang led by the Mayor Li Yingjie and the Vice Mayor Song Qi, coming to Torino for technical-economc meetings with the heads of some local enterprises, met the Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino.

  • May 25th 2007 - Delegation from Bielorussia

    A delegation coming from Bielorussia and led by the Vice Minister of Architecture and Building A. Nichkasov met the Deputy Mayor in charge of City Planning, Private Building and Property of the City of Torino Mario Viano in order to discuss of the building up and reconversion processes of the olympic ice venues in Torino.

  • May 25th 2007 - City of Seoul - South Korea

    A delegation led by the Mayor of Seoul Oh Se-hoon met the Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the International Affiars Department to discuss issues related to the candidacy as World Design Capital.

  • May 19th 2007 - Mission of the City in Chambéry - France

    On May 19th the Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino led a delegation of the City to Chambéry in order to participate in the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the twinning between the two cities. Besides the Mayor there were present also the Chairman of City Council Giuseppe Castronovo, the councillor Carlo Zanolini and the Chairman of Torino Chamber of Commerce Alessandro Barberis.

  • May 17th-19th 2007 - Mission of the City in Shenzhen - China

    From May 17th to 19th the Deputy Mayor in charge of Promotion, Cooperation and International Affairs of the City of Torino Michele Dell’Utri carried out an official mission in Shenzhen, China, with whom it does exist a cooperation agreement signed in January 2007.

  • May 14th-17th 2007 - Mission of the City in New York - U.S.A.

    From May 14th to 25th the restaurant of the U.N. Headquarters in New York was customized by the Torino + Piemonte Food Festival with the gastronomic proposals of the Piedmont’s Stars, the best chefs of the Region. Within the festival there were organized lunches and thematic presentations for media and insiders concerning Olympic venues, cultural resources, tourism, design and architecture. The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino took part in the activities on May 15th and 16th and meanwhile he carried out some meetings in order to strengthen the relations with the U.N.

  • May 09th-12th 2007 - Delegation of Danish Municipalities

    A delegation made of Mayors and politicians coming from the Danish Municipalities of Roskilde, Gludborgsund, Thisted, Vallensbæk, Aarhus ed Esbjerg, members of the Local Government Denmark's political committee for environment, transports and planning, met the Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino and the representatives of different City's Departments during its study tour in Torino focused on environmental issues.

  • May 09th 2007 - City of Zlìn - Czech Republic

    A delegation coming from the City of Zlìn met some members of the Film Commision, of the Sottodiciotto Film Festival and visited the Virtual Reality and Multi Media Park, in order to create a cinematographic technological cluster/park based on Torino’s model.

  • May 08th 2007 - Consul General of Kuwait

    The Mayor of Torino Sergio Chiamparino met the Consul General of Kuwait Abdullah Al Askar.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information