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2006 December

  • December 4th-5th 2006 - City of Barcelona - Spain

    A delegation of officers from the Immigration Cabinet of the City of Barcelona, visiting Turing for some technical meetings concerning integration-related issues, met the representatives of different City’s Departments and the Deputy Mayor charged of Integration Policies Ilda Curti.

  • December 1st 2006 - Federal Republic of Germany Consul

    The Mayor of the City of Turin Sergio Chiamparino met the new Consul General of Federal Republic of Germany during his visit to Turin.

2006 November

  • November 29th 2006 - Delegation from Rumania

    A huge delegation, led by the Deputy-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Rumania Mihai Gheorghiu, by the Mayor of Bacau Romeo Stavarache and By the Consul General of Rumania in Milan, met the Mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino and the Deputy Major charged of Integration Policies Ilda Curti. The discussion focused on problems and projects concerning the Rumanian community settled in Turin’s area, future featurings, even within the picture of the forthcoming entry of Rumania in the European Union.

  • November 28th 2006 - Associazione Piemontesi in China

    The Mayor of the City of Turin Sergio Chiamparino met the Vice President, Alessandro Arduino, for the presentation of the Associazione Piemontesi recently created in Shanghai, among the first regional NGO being recognised by the Popular Republic of China.

  • November 23rd 2006 - District of Barcelona - Spain

    A delegation of more than 50 peoples, involving Mayors and Officers from the Metropolitan area of Barcelona, led by the Director General of Commerce of the Catalan Government and by the Vice President of the District of Barcelona, met the representatives of different City’s Departments and the Deputy Mayor charged of Productive Activities Alessandro Altamura in order to study in depth the organization of general markets in Turin.

  • November 14th 2006 - Premier of Queensland - Australia

    Turin welcomed the Premier of Queensland - Australia Peter Bettie, visiting the city in order to promote relationships within university and research fields between the two territories.

  • November 8th-10th 2006 - Turin closes the Chairmanship of EUROCITIES Euromed Group

    The City of Turin leaves the Chairmanship of EUROCITIES Euromed Group after two years of intense work, organizing one last meeting in Turin (8th-10th November) with a rich schedule: visits and technical presentations concerning water and waste treatment and the renewal of historical centres; a session dedicated to the Lebanon question; a conference on strategic planning within the Euromediterranen basin, in cooperation with Torino Internazionale. The French City of Marseille succeeds to the Chairmanship, the Lebanese City of Jdéidé vice president for the Middle East and the Moroccan City of Fès for Maghreb.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information