International Relations

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2005 December

  • 16/12/05 – Ambassador of France in Italy

    The Ambassador of France in Italy, Yves Aubin del la Messizier, met the Mayor Sergio Chiamparino.

  • 13/12/05 – City of Shenzhen (China)

    A delegation of the City of Shenzhen, together with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia Francesco Bettoni, met the representatives of the International Affairs Department. This was a first meeting in sight of future collaborations.

  • 5/12/05 – Ambassador of Venezuela

    The Ambassador of Venezuela Rodrigo Oswaldo Chaves Samidio, met the Deputy Mayor Marco Calgaro. During this institutional meeting, a possible exchange of experiences as concerns the water management has been discussed.

  • 2/12/05 –City of Richmond (Canada)

    A delegation of the City of Richmond, made up of the Director of the Department for Economic Development, Mrs. Lee Malleu, and by the Director of the Department for the Policies of Development, Mrs. Signi Solmundson, met the representatives of the International Affairs Department. Theme of the meeting: the international relations during the Winter Olympic Games.

  • 1/12/05 – Ambassador of Canada

    The Ambassador of Canada in Italy, Robert R. Fowler, together with the Consul General Margaret Huber, met the Mayor Sergio Chiamparino. Theme of the meeting: the Winter Olympic Games, Torino 2006 and Vancouver 2010.

2005 November

  • 25-26/11/05 - Euromed Barcelona

    The Mayor of Torino, Sergio Chiamparino, opened the big "Euro-Mediterranean Cities Conference" organized by the Municipality of Barcelona on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The Conference has been preceded by the meeting of the EUROCITIES Euromed Working Group of which the City of Torino is Chair for the two-years period 2005-2006.

  • 19-22/11/05 - Annual General Meeting (AGM) of EUROCITIES

    The Mayor of Torino, Sergio Chiamparino, as Chair of the EUROCITIES Euromed Working Group, participated in the Annual General Meeting of EUROCITIES dedicated to the subject « The European cities open up to the world. Local governments: key partners of international cooperation » The Mayor of Torino made an intervention during the debate concerning the enlargement of the European Union, the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

  • 9/11/05 – Belgian Ambassador

    A delegation composed by the Belgian Ambassador Mr. Jean De Ruirt and the Belgian Honorary Consul Mr. Carlo Gamma met the Mayor of Turin Mr. Sergio Chiamparino. The meeting was about the 2006 Winter Olympic Games and the related projects of urban regeneration.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information