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2004 Dicember

  • 14/12/04 - City of Beijing (China)

    A delegation from the City of Beijing, led by the Chairperson of the Science and Technology Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, Mrs. Lin Wenyi met representatives of the City of Torino for an exchange of information dealing witht the Olympic Games and the technologies employed on that occasion.

  • 06/12/04 - Lyon (France)

    On 6th December at the Congress Palace in Lyon, the cities of Lyon, Torino and Barcelona signed an agreement on economic cooperation. The agreement aims at strengthening the area of South European cities within the urban and regional hierarchy.

2004 November

  • 30/11-01/12/04 - Euromed Workgroup

    Meeting in Rome of Euromed Workgroup of Eurocities (headed by the City of Torino), organized by the City of Torino and the City of Rome.

  • 19/11/04 - Building partners for partnership

    Workshop behind closed doors organized by the City of Torino entitled Building Partners For Partnership, dealing with the cooperation policies for the European-Mediterranean area in collaboration with C.E.S.P.I. (Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale), European Commission Italian office in Milan, Italian office of the Federazione Ebert and by C.I.E. (Centro d'Iniziativa per l'Europa del Piemonte).

  • 11/11/04 - City of Vancouver (Canada)

    A delegation from the City of Vancouver and British Columbia led by the Deputy Mayor Brent McGregor met the Town Councillor for Olympic Games, Elda Tessore. The exchanges between Torino 2006 and Vancouver 2010 were discussed.

Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information